Saturday, October 6, 2007

Practical Prank.

Location: B12.3A, Sunway, Malaysia.

This is Cool!

I found this on NST some day. When I forgot.


Me too. Why can't I be a Russian?! Anna Kournikova...

So anyways, was forced to watch this crappy Australian 'big production'

About a few emo Australians being affected by the whole Viet Nam War experience. Tida-Yada.

I think that half the people who watched were just to see pre-Cruise Nicole (in Ben Ben's Words) and the other 75% just watched because they were forced to ie: most of us who watched that day.

In case you can't read that due to my worsening camera skills, it reads

"Nicole Kidman (Barry Otto) and Nicholas Eadie Star in this internationally acclaimed drama set against the backdrop of beatlemania, flower-power deduced euphoria".

A gal must have written this.

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