Friday, October 12, 2007

Screwing Around in Sher Yen's House.

Location: Sher Yen's Crib, Somewhere in Klang, Bayu I think, Er, 5-10 minutes from Teluk Gadung Station.

Fun?! she left me out with the computer when she enjoys a warm shower without me. Like when they come to stay over in my house, I did... actually nevermind.

And so, she left me in my own device listening to Lifehouse's smashing 'First Time', and so I blogged.

Her room was great! Like what every girl would want for a room. The stencil, even though its DIY, it's gorgeous! Like so girlish... so unike Sher Yen. I thought I would see some heads rolling, blood, gorish-looking arts. Well, I'm not complaining. I mean after she paint my room as pretty as hers, I won't complain. Seriously... I would like it to fill with hot guys. To make it look more like a bachelorette's room.

So, I'm Yen's for the whole evening and since i'll be spending a night here, I'm hers for the night too.

Scary... Should I be feeling scared already?

1 comment:

DawnDreamer said...

Penis like spade? My desire for sex???? You are such a "GREAT" translator lol!! I had more than enough of you, I dont wana see you this yongsui yongsui thing anymoreeeeeeeeeeeee! (pssst, I know what you did last night... while I was sleeping)