Thursday, February 19, 2009

Trip to Fed Square.

Location: How5!, Clayton.

I finally changed from 502 to 520!! Bye bye glaring evening sun...

ANyhoo, we attended this BBQ thingy organized by the comm for 'O' Week *free meal!*.

It was around 9pm when boredom bored action.

Karina: "wanna go to st. Kilda"

Sze Jia: "!!!"

Jun: "Sure?"

K: "yup!"

alright, st. Kilda takes too long to reach. After careful consideration & planning (which took less than 15 minutes in total) we ended up eating spanish donuts and drinking latte in Fed Square moments later.

Reach Huntingdale by 12:30am... Missed the last bus and had to walk back...

Spontaneous trips are always fun =)

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

First Post in Melb!

Location: Dorm, How5!, Clayton

LoL, i'm still trying to be a little vague about my dorm... my 2 day old dorm =)

So, the weather's great, the people's great... the only thing i'm waiting to be great is my studies... which is rather slim, unlike my figure.

being a little expressive, too much of Will and Grace. (if anyone has season 1 and season 7, lend me plzzz)

Money's tight, havent got a bank account, can't eat too much gelato, pizzas and those really delicious FOOOD here... Can't shop... that DFO's really tempting from the outside =(

And I miss him already... How could you NOT?

Took this b4 I left home,
he can't wait to leap outa my embrace... =(

Him being so cute and all...

gona update soon, Clayton's way too big... for me... for now anyway.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Countdown: 6 More Days to Go.

Location: in my room, Ipoh.

LoL, I just couldn't sleep after running/jogging/walking/dragging-moi-arse for 25 minutes...

on the treadmill...

that bro and i bought for dad on his bday...

using his subcard =)

Anyways, I enjoy running when no one's around in the living room... coz no one's there to complain about the fan not being on, no one there to shoot their judgmental gaze at the way/speed that I'm running... OK, it's partly becoz I'm a little (very) self-conscious that I enjoy running when no one's around.

So, after this run, I was supposed to be really tired and stuff (judging by past experiences), I wasn't. Then I checked out the date and realised that it's 4 feb already!

WTH? HOW did I get here... SO FAST?

I'll be taking off in f-ing 6 days?! This is totally surreal...

Which made me look back to recollect the things that I've done over the past 3 months... and realized that I didn't do much.

Coming back to the new years, this year's angpow collection's definitely thicker than last years'... in fact, it has reached an all time high, though technically the cny's still not over yet. I feel so bad when everyone's giving me these big angpows bidding me off to Australia and stuff... wishing me all the best and hopefully I'll come back to Malaysia next year being a lesser screw up.

A year's not that long anyway. Plus, I know that I'll grow to like that place like I fell in love with Sunway.. well, more off the hostel (sun-u residence). But knowing that home's just a little more than 2 hours' away is much more of a consolation... letting me feel that if I were to screw up anything, home's just a stone throw's away. So what if i exaggerated a little over there.

Compare to Aust-M'sia, KL-Ipoh seemed like five and a half steps away.

nevertheless, I'm totally thrilled yet freaking out on the inside... just like when the roller coaster reached the higheest point of a highest diving point ever and you heard the wheels ticked, knowing very well what's coming next after that special tick.

Well, to enjoy the thrill and spills, I will STILL need to sit and hang on on the ride, in order to accept the experience with open arms...

Anyway, I just thought of a freaking long list of things to do before I'm confined to the territorial borders down south for the next year... omg omg.. so much things yet so little

p/s: we're going to HQ in KL tomorrow for Pesta Angpow... another day spent on the family...