Monday, March 30, 2009

Proud to be an Art Student.

Location: 1st Floor, Computer Room, Howitt Hall.

So, I've been mixing around with this group of friends who, by a random stroke of luck, happen to be all engineering students... (well, except Lucien).

So we were cooking dinner in Aric's floor (2nd floor) and his neighbour, Ahmad something came in. He is taking a same class with Chieh Ai and asked for her help. He said something that's truly stingy that made me wanna burn his room now... knowing where he stay and all.

A: so what do you study?

Me: owh, I take Arts.

A: so you're the lazy one in the group.

Me: *thought I heard him wrongly* -- *blink blink* what?

A: You are the lazy one. coz you're taking arts while Chieh Ai, being a hardworking girl, is taking engineering.

Me: *speechless*

I was speechless not coz I can't defend myself. Firstly coz I don't know him that well, and I don't see us being close, EVER. So won't wanna waste my saliva. Secondly, I find him to be damn shallow... his knowledge i mean.

... like... WTH?!

Ask an engineer to TRY to understand PS and crap la... see how well they survive.

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