Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Vibram FiveFingers

Location: The Towers

ok, the pressure SHOULD be on by now.. the first PRL.. useless PRL's in 9 days. but seriously, I still don't feel the fire burning my fingers.

anyways, I know this is not news, it's still NEWs to me (complicated newsroom theory thingy) --forgive me, for I'm living in a developing country =P

Apparently. there's this thing about the way you walk that will affect the stress level of your body. And the best way to walk, suggested by an article in nymag... is...




People would go to LENGTHS, to sell some OLD concepts as NEW products to the public.

This may not be the craziest creation ever, however, the crazy part is, it was named
one of TIME's Best Inventions in 2007.

I could've sworn that they just painted that on the feet.
Maybe this is what our next generation 'wears'.

AND the NAME... they made it sound like something left behind by the predators (from AVP).

That, or the inventor's a hardcore Trekkie.

*editor's note: AVP2 is the best among the AVPs.

Imagine yourself running 500 miles in this thing (hehe, the proclaimers~ I would do anything just to quote it, somewhere, somehow), your toes would swell and the shoes wouldn't come off...

Come to think of it, is it really that good to go hiking in these babies?

Do you wanna feel every worn out nail, dry twigs cracking and all the creepy crawlies under your extremely thin sole?

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