Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Ramblessss... zzz

Location: Mon Lib.

Like seriously... I feel so empty without internet.. and that only lasted about.. a day.

I think I've slumped into another personal low... AGAIN. no self discipline, no self-control... unlimited self-indulgence... and along went my self-respect for myself.

waking up at 1 pm everyday while sleeping about 3am-4am everyday is a REALLY tough vicious cycle to breakaway from.

Having almost all my holiday resolution (not to mention my last year's resolution on the hold) on the fritz... I certainly regretted some of the choices I made. Some really bad choices I made in the past week(s).

It's only been about 2-3 weeks since the exam. To me, it's like ages already. Owh so many things happened, since my really awesome b'day celebration to rotten roads I chose to follow... to top it all, I haven't grew (mentally) much, which, is depressing.

Yea, I know that I'm not a good planner, OR, I planned too well, I'm just not a responsible person, not responsible enough to stick to the drawing board.

Screw me.

I need a jolt... like House chose to do when he used a knife to pluck into the socket.
THAT jolt to shake me out of this slum.

Slum... the towers are slums.

p/s: for those who lurve photography, here's a good site to express your talents~ here, here and here are some example of pics taken by enthusiasts. And THIS, I can relate to.

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