Friday, May 22, 2009

Shyt Happened.

Time: 4:03pm
Location: How!5.

OMG!!! I couldn't have picked a WORSE time to sprain/twist my ankle (Kane's been confusing me about the idea of spraining and twisting... So i'm gona use sprain/twist for the whole entry... lol).

Yea. Today's the semi-Finals and FINALS for gals basketball... like... I had to practice just after lunch. I had to ask Kane and Davyn to accompany me (coz if not it'd be boring-er). Davyn had to be in class and won't be off till 2. Kane had to throw the ball (like he aways does...) too hard and the ball had to go over the hoop (not into)... I had to go and jump/snatch the ball (aka rebound) and land with my ankle in a wrong position...

I TWISTED/SPRAINED my eff-ing ANKLE and it's just 2 hours before the match.

I can't even stand, let alone run/play... with my limited basketball skills.

Should I play, despite the stinging pain? It is, afterall... the Finals.

Shyt. Shyt always happens. To me.

p/s: okla, thanks for being my cane la... have to give you credit for that... though technically you did throw the ball.... =p

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