Thursday, January 14, 2010

... and so there's Wee Kheong.

Time: 1.48pm
Date: 15 January, 2010.
Location: 2/56, Evelyn St

one by one and so they flee,
further away from the apple tree....

hmm, just came back after seeing Iggy walk through the T2 gate for the second time...

why second time you ask?

hehe, that'll be a story about a fook chow miser who tried to push his luck with AirAsia.

anyways, bye bye Iggy, hope you enjoyed ur flight, filled with the kind of people, YOUR people whom you love so dearly.

just remember to take care... and don't do stupid shyt in your bro's wedding.

and p/s: just wanted to say... I told you so~

really enjoyed the moment that you walked out of T2 for the first time... like... wow. like having front rolls seats in cirque de soleil or sth. Awesome. Marshae and I enjoyed it soooo much!

1 comment:

Ignatius Lau said...

Awwwww..schniff schniff...