Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Today, I'm not the gal I used to be anymore!

Location: Kitchen Table @ Home.

I'm here solely because mom dominated the MOST COZZZZZY part of the sofa and blogging in the living room just lost its point. They just came back from HQ, their business thing la. Left so early in the morning (10am!! Can you imagine?!) and I was left alone to babysit the temp. maid.

Oh, before I start writing anything, I found the underlying cause of the recent mood swings and depression! I was greeted with a BIG RED 'angpow' this morning accompanied by series of inconvenient abdominal movements (can't find a word to describe it less awkwardly). Something different about me is that while girls my age have punctual monthly visits from their aunties, mine just drop by anytime she wants in 3 to 4 months' time. So naturally, I was caught completely off guard.

Anyhoo, I'm feeling so so guilty having weighing all the options and I have to missed gym today! (my normal routine spent in the club was 10 minutes on the steppy thingy, 15 + - on the tracks, 5 minutes on the bike, a couple of stretching to warm down and 30 minutes spent bathing = about an hour... short I know...) Feeling especially bad after my "I'm gona start a routine and stick to it" entry yesterday, I decided that it's time for me to tick a couple of things off my list of *never-ending-chores-to-be-completed-in-20-years*. Among them are "clear those crappy Galaxie Magazines stashed up in the study room" and "learn guitar".

An so, I planned everything out before hand, which is rare seeing that I'm NOT (much of) a planner. I brought my bro's very cool pc downstairs coz kena-ed virus again (darn you 200 Pounds Beauty!), got suited up and coaxed Pipi into the bathroom.
It's really not as easy as it sounds. Since when dogs and cats will be totally willing to get a bath? It's like their DNA of bath-phobic is extremely sensitive or something. I have use his favorite jogging rope to give him a false impression of having a chance to go out.

Cursed by this movie...

Then after getting him clean and ending up being all dirty myself, I showered and went out to get things done. Yida-yada, fed the maid and myself, yida-yada, sent the pc to reformat....

-- here comes to main point of writing this entry --

I got that itch!! that irritating unscratchable itch at that inconvenient place that you would do literally ANYTHING to rid of. I... Just... Had... to... DO IT!!!

Ok, it was JUST lying there ok?! It's not like I left it there intentionally to seduce myself to do what I did... I felt it CALLING ME and YES. I did it! I can say it proudly tell you this(just not at home in front of my parents...)

I drove mom's Camry!! no, not dad's camry, they went to kl for the biz thingy remember? and NO. I didn't scratch or hit anything... I kept it under 90 kmph for the whole 2 minutes I drove... I swear!

AND boy it felt SO fREAKinG DaRn GOOOOOOOD!!

I would so be reciting all Avril Lavigne's songs from 'The Best Darn Thing' if I knew any.

OHh, this and the following pics are for illustration purposes only.

Call me ulu but this is my first time and it felt totally different (since now I've grown all cozy in bro's Wira) from other car(s) -- this car and that few bumper cars I've driven over the years...-- It sounded different, the engine I mean, the petrol pedal was so so much more sensitive than my bro's Wira, not to mention more powerful - duh - it's so so much more stable when I grace through a bump... I feel so like floating~~ Maybe it's just me, I felt the wind coming in front of me and there are more people glancing curiously at me driving the car...

Ok, so what if it's an older version of the new and improved Camry?
It's still Camry to me~

All in all, I handled it like a pro (i think...) and I'm proud of myself for not causing any traffic havoc and destroying mom's car.

nop, mom's car's without the spoiler but similar to this model... I think.

buahahhahahaha... Today, I'm not a girl anymore. Today, just today, call me Jun, the Lady.

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