I wanted to blog. But don't wanna blog that long. So here are some pics~
Toe-May-Toe, Toe-Mah-Toe.
Voiced out by
Aunty Jin
9:19 PM
other teeny tiny weeny little voices
Labeled Blab + Blabber
Location: Computer Lab, Level 5, Building 5, Monash.
I was planning to study in the uni coz I've wasted the whole weekend doing nothing but... wait, I did nothing for the past weekend. Apart of feeling empty right now, I cannot help but wonder why after reading Jing Yi's post it kept raining in where I'm staying now. Like practically every day, sometimes twice somemore. Think rain can be spreaded through blogs these days?
Ok, enough of being real dumb, it's time to talk about my boring everyday experience.
The thing about being dumb is still okay if you're not really forgetful and unorganized. What did I do this time around? I handed in my JRN final assignment leaving the transcript behind. like WHY would I do that?!! So beside being unable to study in the hostel, I came to school just to hand in the transcript to Mr Wong.
Once... Twice (during lunch)... Trice. Not there. I thought of an genius plan to stuff the transcript under the door like how Felicia and Snowy chan used to communicate (buahaha, inside joke) While i was smiling darkly inside, I kinda forgotten that I'm wearing that really comfortable but low-waisted pants (when I bent over) -- While i was still celebrating my own brilliantness on the inside -- I stand up to see many people shooting that weird despising look.
You know how gals would react when they see something really 'interesting' right? they'll share it with the thousands of people standing beside her and all will be trying to look but pretending VERY hard not to look then when their eager eyes meet, they'll giggle in unison. Hey I'm a gal, I should know. So, tasting my own medicine to find that it ain't sweet.
Quickly I unfroze and approach Dr. Jaga's office to check my COM result. It's not that good (no surprise there) but can pass for sure, just no where near distinction. Then Dr. Jaga was alone (and was actually just bored) , he called me into his room. I was so scared that I did something wrong and that He remembered my face. That's one of the few moments in my life that I wanna be invisible. Or hoped that I look like Dawn Yang so that I can batt my eyelashes to wiggle my way out of hot water without grossing people out...
Anyhoo, I went to the cafeteria to buy some overpriced food to fill my bottomless stomach (I finally sound like a real journalism student!!) and met Yuna. Yuna's one of the very few Korean students studying in Monash as far as I know. We sat and had lunch and had small talk like both civilised people, which is quite new to me and met people like the crazy Veenah, really not-crazy-on-the-outside Belinda and soft spoken Marina.
After the whole ordeal, Yuna asked to use my phone to call her dad and it'll only take a second. It really took less than a second. Anyways, that's besides the point. When she was speaking Korean (I have no idea what do Koreans speak. I assume Englishmen (British) speak English so Koreans speak Korean?) to her dad, I truly feel the social differences we're in. Like totally different world we are from yet we're so alike (as in we're both humans; she has a dad, so do I, stc...) .
When I was on my way to Building 5 again, it got me thinking. I always have been really proud of my multilingual ability and more than once that it came in handy.
I was struggling to embrace my Chinese heritage lately, like trying to be more 'Chinese' as I fear that I'll forget my Chinese-ness if I don't use it on a regular basis (like I did for the past 17 years of my life). I started reading online chinese newspaper like SinChew Daily.com, well, just one chinese paper and it's not written using the simplified mandirin words.
For a gal who did not enjoy interpreting Chinese literature in the first place, I find it quite tough to imagine what the words mean by trying to come up with loads of possible meanings for the word and see which would fit best in the context. However, I kinda like Chinese calligraphy, though I was never really good at it..
Like what I always tell my friends, "I never got B in my Mandarin b4 ok?! I always get C one lerrr!" -- except in SPM and PMR (as u can see, how low the standard is lerrr....)
Voiced out by
Aunty Jin
2:56 PM
other teeny tiny weeny little voices
Labeled Blab + Blabber, Paraphernalia of My Life
to all the parents (or you can tell your parents) out there, Starbucks Coffee is so Cheap!
Location: B12.3a, Sunway.
Yes, I've said it!
From Sin Chew Daily yesterday
親為咖啡店開幕, 成龍泡咖啡一杯賣50
國際巨星成龍今日(週六,10月27日)出席位於吉隆坡昇喜藝廊(starhill)的“成龍咖啡館”(Jackie Chan's Cafe),並聯同楊忠禮集團董事總經理丹斯里楊肅斌,一起主持開幕儀式。
Click to read more
ok, for English ed. friends it's basically talking about Jacky Chan's new coffee shop/cafe in StarHill selling, well, Coffee. If you think Starbuck's expensive, Think again.
Every cup of coffee he made (by Jacky) will be sold at RM 50.
RM 50... I can spend dining in Shogun... I can spend RM 50 eating a few meals of mckiddies, delivery somemore. RM 50 I can watch a few movies... RM 50 can be spent to support a child for a month in maybe Zimbabwe or Malawi...
Yes, RM 50 is still very 'big' for me. Though it isn't suffice to purchase a pair of MNG Jeans or AX t-shirt nor is it enough to buy a Guess purse, spending RM 50 on a cup of frapp is nothing short of a nonsense to me.
So for all those good rational samaritans out there, Pro-Starbucks!!
Voiced out by
Aunty Jin
12:11 PM
other teeny tiny weeny little voices
Labeled Blab + Blabber, I Actually Read News
Location: B12.3a, Sunway.
Recently I have trouble sleeping at night. Toss and turn all night I know that I'm so physically tired but mentally awake. I'm sure many of you out there faced this kinda situation before right?
The thing is that I actually brought it upon myself. I sleep too much during the day and that's probably not so healthy. If mom's reading this she'll be saying something like 'tsk tsk, see, I told you so'.
Having a brother around the house kinda explored me to a lot of teenage stuff. Not to say that I was too chicken to play computer without my parents' approval in the middle of the night til the break of dawn, bro taught me all these stuff among others... So technically, I was really innocent.. Innocent you know...
Anyhoo, I like to fall asleep in a noisy environment. It's weird I know. I think I understand why I always fall asleep in class since my primary school days. It's like automatically when the teachers started talking, I feel the surge of dizziness, then before i know it, my eyelids feel like a thousand pounds and my ears will close it's gap...
Maybe that's why I like to fall asleep infront on the very very cozy couch in front of the tv at home. Normally when my parents are not in or when I watch tv in the middle of the night when everyone's asleep, I always tune in to Channel V or mtv coz I like vibrations of the sound and I don't like to wake up in a quiet environment.
Here in Sunway, when Cynthia's not in, I'll start filling up my playlist with whatever tv series I have on my pc and start playing till I fall asleep.
my prob is, is this even healthy?
Coz i heard from somewhere that people need to rest in a quiet and dark environment to improve their quality of sleep. The thing is I don't have problem falling asleep at anytime of the day but will feel totally guilty after waking up to notice all the precious time I've slept away. Anyways, I'll try to stick to my 12am bedtime for the sake of my exams.
On the flip side, I'm not so health conscious to begin with. I'm doing tons of other unhealthy stuff already, one more won't hurt.
Actually, unlike in Ipoh, I have no real motivation in waking up early in the morning. At home, I'll wake up at 8 something to bring Pipi out for a spin to enjoy the beauty of nature while they are still fresh~
I'm talking crap. and it's only 9 something at night. Darn... With xsocam still down, I'm forced to study... STUDY... haiz...
Anyhow, seeing that my ex-156 roommates were all affected by the curly craze, I've been deciding i f I should curl my hair since 2005 (PGS was really strict on this matter, no curls nor re-bonding allowed). I kinda fell asleep last night unaware that my hair's still in a bun, which is how I usually keep it at home. So woke up with a great surprise~
Voiced out by
Aunty Jin
9:28 PM
other teeny tiny weeny little voices
Labeled Blab + Blabber, Melodies of the Moment, Scrabble-inG
Location: B12.3A, Sunway.
As a Malaysian, I feel the need to spread this around. Everyone must be reminded of their roots once in a while right? and this video is great. the sound effects and all. Should be shown to students in schools, i reckon.
Name: Sepuluh Tahun Sebelum Merdeka -- about Hartal.
Source: http://www.brightcove.tv/title.jsp?title=1254132763
This is the trailer for KOMAS's another successful Freedom Film Fest 2007.
Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CxMl4_j5ENY
p/s: for those Monash student taking ftv, please watch the trailer of Freedom Film Fest at 2:17 (2nd minute and 17th second). I was surprised too~
Voiced out by
Aunty Jin
12:24 PM
1 other teeny tiny weeny little voices
I love tabloids! Well, some tabloids more than the others... Anyways, the Daily Express is actually quite interesting to read when someone stood you up or when you have no social life and spending all morning reading tabloids or your final exam's just around the corner and you don't feel like studying so you make up these excuses like "Tabloids are still news right? It's good to read some news!" to console your wasted time... and No, I'm not pointing my finger at anyone here.
Here me out, I have this really goood excuse. I'm like the only one (in my immediate family) who's in
Anyhoo, I came across some really fascinating stuff in Daily Express!
Friday October 26,2007
An obese teenager has lost four stone in a world first – thanks to a computer that says “no” every time he tries to overeat.
Friday October 26,2007
Voiced out by
Aunty Jin
10:48 AM
other teeny tiny weeny little voices
Labeled Family Matters, I Actually Read News, Wackily Weird
Lingerie items have become “display pieces,” said Stephanie Solomon, the fashion director of Bloomingdale’s. Corsets, slips, panties and camisoles are as extravagant in their design, and as coveted, as Louboutin platforms or a YSL tote.
Christian Dior for spring 2008;
Lingerie’s cachet as a sexy, emphatically visible component of a woman’s outfit has contributed to rising sales. According to NPD Group, the market research firm, sales of bras, panties, slips, corsets and even old-school relics like garter belts, climbed to $10.6 billion for the 12-month period ending in July, a 10 percent jump over the previous 12 months. Clearly, the category known quaintly as intimate apparel has climbed to the top of women’s shopping lists.
Louis Vuitton for spring 2008;
“What is really driving the growth of the business,” said Marshal Cohen, the chief retail analyst of NPD, “is that showing off your lingerie has become very much a fashion trend.
Marc Jacobs model in 2007.
To women of all ages, visible skivvies are all but scandal proof.
Click to read more
Voiced out by
Aunty Jin
9:28 AM
other teeny tiny weeny little voices
Labeled Fashion Worth Mention, I Actually Read News, Melodies of the Moment
Location: B12.3A. Sunway.
Voiced out by
Aunty Jin
12:31 AM
1 other teeny tiny weeny little voices
Labeled My Peers, Paraphernalia of My Life, Trash in Monash